Hainan Chinese Temple

Hainan Chinese Temple is located on the north-west of Koh Samui.

Things to see

Rich decoration has the classical style of the Celestial Empire. Parishioners are welcomed by golden dragons; there are a lot of carved patterns and red around. The territory is surrounded by a fence to avoid noise of the capital of Samui, the city of Nathon. The temple was founded in 1962, it is considered a cult place of spiritual strength. The sacred place is guarded by the God of war Guan Yun - this is the first sculpture of a deified voivode on the island.

Things to do

In a Chinese temple it is customary to make the offerings with oranges. According to Feng Shui, citrus symbolizes joy, celebration and happiness, carries a positive charge to those to whom it has been offered. Orange juicy fruit next to gold coins promises wealth. Entrance to the temple is free. It is also customary to observe a dress code here: barefoot in closed clothes.

What to do on Koh Samui